Pulling up stakes and heading out for a while.

Well, I am headed home for the holidays. I will probably keep adding to the blog while I am back in the states, but no promises. It's been a very good trip, but I need a break, at least from the libraries. A good time to leave too, as it looks like winter is finally, actually, really here. I keep thinking that each cold snap I will post something that says that winter has finally arrived, but after a day or two the warm weather keeps coming back. Not so sure this time.
Of course, as luck would have it, I am leaving one day too early. There is a big celebration tomorrow night on the square for the 10th anniversary of the mass protest over the closing of Radio 101.
Thanksgiving at Inkpen's, then back to my apartment, where I will be sleeping on the couch again until I can get a mattress (long story, bottom line, no mattress for 2 to 3 weeks).
And every one gets three guesses as to who (or more accurately, what) the guys in the picture are. The answer after Thanksgiving.
Ok, I have to be up in 5 hours to catch a flight.
Have a happy Thanksgiving everyone.
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