An idea of the kind of stuff I'm doing.

So, this is the kind of thing I am looking for in the newspaper. It's a little story from 26 October, 1918. Its about a guy who was working as a waiter at a cafe on the square, and got shot. Luckily, in those days, the city's main hospital was on the square too, so he didn't have to go far for medical attention.
Anyway, the reason it's important to me is because the story is set up as an example of the current social conditions. They could have used any particular story to do that. It seems that there was a certain degree of lawlessness setting in at the end of WWI. Apparently people were getting robbed in the street in broad daylight once in a while. But those stories don't carry the sentence about them being indicative of what is happening to society. They are just reports of crime in the city. This one is special because it happened on the square.
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