Naked Nebodar
So I have been taking the weekend off because on Wednesday of last week I was convinced it was Thursday for half the day. This was probably because I essentially was working double days ever since I stared looking for that book that was mentioned in the paper. During the day I was working with the newspapers, then I would check out a book or two from the library and read though it that evening and decide what I wanted to get photocopied the next day. So I actually found about 8 more books that have something important to say about my topic in one way or another. I also finally managed to find "the book" I was looking for. It took a while, and they had to dig it out of their basement archives, but I got it.
Anyway, the result was that I basically burned myself out. So I kind of took Thursday off (actually, I went to the sculpture institute museum). I had to work Friday because of the situation with the City Museum, but took yesterday and today off. But today there was a special market at Britanski Trg, which is right up the street from my apartment, and I stumbled across it, and ended up book shopping for about 2 hours.
So, after spending 180 kuna on old books, I finally ended up headed to Dolac for lunch. Beautiful day, so everyone was outside. Warm if you were in the sun, and still not too cold in the shade. The picture up top is a little place on the North end of Britanski Trg that I like, but as you can see, no place to sit, so I headed into "the Center" for lunch instead. On the way, I finally got a chance to take a few pictures that I've been wanting to take. This one if of the Nebodar or Skyscraper. There are several tall buildings in Zagreb now, but if you say Nebodar, it only means this one. As you can see, it is being rebuilt, hence the title of this post. the building is completely open on the west side at the moment.
More on the Nebodar later, or at least in the dissertation.
So, for lunch, Civapi (sorry, but after New Blogger messed up the link to Vecernji list, I'm not going to try to use the special characters any more, so you will have to insert the little divot above the C here in your imagination) at the Dolac Grill. For those who are not failure with Civapi, it is a stand-by fast food here, but not like it used to be. In the 80s there were lots of little places that just sold Civapi with a little stand up bar to eat it. Now it is mostly only for sit down restaurants. (This picture isn't actually today's lunch, but it's the only one I have of Civapi).
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