Long days in the library (and some issues with technology).
So, I've spent quite a bit of time in the library this week (well, that's not particularly unusual). But this time was somewhat different. Last week I found some great stuff at the City Library, but I am having some issues with them about making copies (they want me to write up a specific request for exactly what I want to copy with specific justification). So, to make things easier I just asked the City Museum library if they had copies of the same things, which they mostly did. That means that I only have to request to copy one item. Monday I spent roughly 4 hours in the City Library going though Vijesnik u Srijedu from 1972. There was actually a lot of interesting stuff there, but very little relating directly to my topic. So, for 4 hours of work, I got two things I might actually be able to use. That is about par for the course because I have to go through every page of every issue, so it is time consuming. Kind of like panning for gold. Most if what is there is just filler for what I am really looking for.
So, the last couple of days were different because I just went right at a time frame I knew would be full of stuff, and I was right. October 89 and October 90 were two pretty key months for my subject. I came away with probably 3 dozen articles. Now, I did go beyond my initial two month search to start covering September and November of those years too, so that helped. Now, you may ask, why am I taking the time to go through every page of every day of the paper. Well, because if I don't I miss little nuggets like the picture on this post. I'd a little article tucked away inside of Vijesnik, and it is exactly what I am looking for, the debate about the city, and how central the square is for every side in the debate.
Oh, and as to the weather, it looks like I picked the right winter to be gone from home. Yesterday was sunny and warm here, while I got an e-mail that said back home campus was going to be closed because of high winds and drifting snow making it unsafe for anyone to be there.
Technical difficulties? Well, despite the fact that I erased all the images off of my camera last week, I had to cut my work on Tuesday short because the camera said the memory card was full. For some reason this time it only deleted the index, not the images itself. Then the camera wouldn't talk to the computer for a while, meaning I couldn't delete the images that way either. Finally got it all sorted out but it took about 3 hours of time I could have been going through newspapers.
Anyway, today is kind of a catch up day. I still have a ton of organizing I have to do with various info I've collected so far. My documents file looks like my desk in the office. Lots of stuff just stacked up, and I need to have it more organized so I can actually find stuff while I'm writing.
Update: And blogger made me switch over to "New Blogger", which as far as I can tell is just an excuse to force me to create a Google account so they can claim me as a new customer for theri services. And, it messed up my link to Vecernji, since appartently the "New Blogger" doesn't like non-standard characters.
Anyway, off to one of the used book stores to see if I can find a book I saw here last time that I've decided I'd like to have.
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